4 indicators that you are blocked by another user on WhatsApp

4 indicators that you are blocked by another user on WhatsApp

One of the core features of instant messaging platform WhatsApp is blocking a contact you do not want to talk to anymore.

While the feature is the best way to stop others from messaging or calling you, what if you are on the other side of the tunnel and are not sure if you have been blocked or not? According to a WhatsApp FAQ page, there are a couple of indicators that you may be blocked by someone on WhatsApp.

Wondering what those indicators are?

1. First indicator is that you will no longer be able to see the contact’s last seen or online status in the chat window. Having said that this could also be because of the privacy settings opted by the user. But this is surely an easy and major way to check if you have been blocked.

2. Another indicator that you may be blocked on WhatsApp is that you are no longer able to see a contact’s profile photo.

3. One of the big indicators of being blocked on WhatsApp is that any messages sent to a contact who you think has blocked you will always show one check mark (message sent). It will never show a second check mark which signifies that the message has been delivered.

4. If you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp, you will also not be able to get through any calls- voice and video made to the contact.

If a user sees all of the indicators above for a contact, this could mean that the user is blocking him/her.

However, there are other possibilities as well. In its FAQ page, WhatsApp says that it has made this intentionally ambiguous in order to protect user’s privacy when they block someone.

In case you wish to block a contact on WhatsApp, go to the contact’s chat. Go to contact’s info by tapping on the top bar displaying contact’s photo and name. Scroll down and you will see the option to block him/her.

You can also block a user from the app’s Settings section under Privacy.