Teachers walk out in biggest strikes in UK

Teachers walk out in biggest strikes in UK

Teacher strikes are taking place today and tomorrow in England, United Kingdom. And there is added pressure because of progress that’s been made in Wales and Scotland.

In Wales, the National Education Union (NEU) paused action after Welsh government talks. It is consulting members on an increased pay offer of 8% for 2022-23 (6.5% plus a one-off payment of 1.5%) and a 5% increase for 2023/24.

In Scotland, strikes were called off after the Educational Institute of Scotland and the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association accepted a new pay deal.

The National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) is still consulting its members.

Teachers have been offered a 7% rise for 2022-23, which would be backdated to April. They have also been offered a 5% rise in April 2023 and a 2% in January 2024.

In Northern Ireland, five unions are taking action short of a strike.