Why religion is dangerous for politics in Nigeria?

Why religion is dangerous for politics in Nigeria?

General Overseers such as Dr Pst Paul Enenche, Bishop Oyedepo, and the Christain association of Nigeria in what is widely publicized outcry against the Muslim-Muslim ticket of the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) and shows signs and tendency that the Christain community in Nigeria shouldn't vote the party.

Why religion is dangerous for politics in Nigeria? And a question cross my mind. Is God a Christain or a Muslim.

The emergence of coalition of Christian or Muslim leaders in the 2023 elections, is dangerous to all political gladiators since it is widely acclaimed that APC is party of the  Muslim and the main opposition the PDP tends to potray itself more religious tolerant and balance. Yes the ruling APC has took a major risk in picking it's tent with a Muslim Muslim ticket and PDP doing other wise. What harm does this action potray to the ordinary Nigerian is the next big question for us all to answer.

If God blesses us only as labour, PDPs or APCs, both politics and religion are in trouble. The 2023 campaign will a been sobering for Nigerians who decide what the declaration of a “wall of separation” between the Christains  and  the Muslim faithful state forms a fundamental point of national agreement. It is hard to recall a presidential contest when religious voices and a religious coalition have intruded in such partisan ways and these will worsen in the next electioneering season due to begin in September.

Churches and mosques were once committed to the view that they exist primarily to carry out God’s work of saving souls. Now about 90 percent of churches and mosques agree that it should express views on social and political matters”. This does not necessarily imply an abandonment of belief in religious-state separation, but it is a shift that commands our attention. It is obvious that elections are not won on the basis of mere hatred and social media noise making by the pastors and Islamic teachers and scholars.

It is obvious that in most cases your perceived enemy may likely not be who you think they truly are. One would expect that we learn and prepare for a more robust and issue-based campaign instead of attacks, especially on social media, knowing fully that noise and social media don’t win elections.

Religion has always been the weakest link in our national unity, and more so in this election.

Surely, with all the problems facing this country from Boko Haram, terrorism, Banditry, Kidnapping, human trafficking and even drug trafficking, poverty, saouldn’t we be focusing on skills, ability and credibility of the candidates to push through necessary reforms and progressive policies that will improve the quality of lives rather than religious affiliation? It is unfortunate that in the 21st Century, we are allowing religion to interfere in our politics.

It is disturbing and unfortunate that in the build up to one of the most keenly contested elections in our history as a people religious card is been played again and these is to the detriment of the peace-loving citizens.

The coming of the new electoral act and the recent introduction of BVas should give the electorates confidence to decide who will rule them not base on their faith but base on merit perhaps insecurity, poverty, Banditry and terrorism knows no religion.