NDLEA arrests Enugu big girl over cocaine trafficking

NDLEA arrests Enugu big girl over cocaine trafficking

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has arrested Enugu big girl, Caritas Onyinyechi also known as Smart Beyonce over cocaine trafficking.

Caritas, 29, who is notorious for going braless was arrested at the Enugu airport upon arrival on Ethiopian airline flight from Addis Ababa.

A search of her luggage led to the discovery of 2.192 kilograms of cocaine concealed in two designers women handbags with false linings.

One of her close friends who craved annonymity insist that Caritas was a decent girl up until 2-3 years ago when another friend took her abroad and showed her how to make mad money, told NDLEA.

She is reported to be inconsolable in detention and is yet to name her sponsors.