Convicted sex offender R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison

Convicted sex offender R. Kelly sentenced to 30 years in prison

American record producer and convicted sex offender R. Kelly on Wednesday was sentenced to 30 years in prison.

Following his conviction last year on federal racketeering and sex trafficking charges.

The record producer is accused of using his fame to entangle victims he sexually abused.

Prosecutors had asked the judge to sentence the 55-year-old to more than 25 years behind bars, while his defense attorneys asked for 10 or fewer, saying prosecutors request was “tantamount to a life sentence.”

Last September, a jury convicted R. Kelly on nine counts, comprising one charge of racketeering and eight counts of violations of the Mann Act, a sex trafficking law.

Prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York accused R. Kelly of using his status as a celebrity and a “network of people at his disposal to target girls, boys and young women for his own sexual satisfaction.”