Most powerful weight reduction foods: Growing and consuming yacon and winged bean

Most powerful weight reduction foods: Growing and consuming yacon and winged bean

How the yacon arrived on the local scene, I have not the foggiest idea. it is not that mother nature has an ace up her sleeve as the yacon has been around a thousand years high up on the Andes. Perhaps getting your hand dirty by planting a yacon can help the stuff of Andean dreams unfold into the yellow, orange, red, pink and purplish fleshed varieties.

Yacon instead of yacon syrup: Instead of the syrup form, how would you like to eat a sweet water chestnut as big as a sweet potato dug right out of the soil? Well, disguised as a mundane potato, this 'water-root' as its name denotes, is of 86-90% water, like the water-melon.

But when peeled, sliced and served in a mixed fruit salad, the raw root is resplendently transformed by a touch of lemon; though you may not wish to sidestep the seemingly more appealing chunks of pineapple, papaya and mango.

I first heard of this root vegetable from a neighbor who is a great fan of an astute lifestyle. Minding my Ps and Qs about the many plants in his garden has great rewards. In a short time, a happy frame of mind prompted him to show me a potted yacon plant.

Geared for survival, and simultaneously catering to your stomach, the yacon comes equipped with 2 sets of roots - larger ones for you to eat, smaller ones for planting. Inclined to grow like the upright sunflower stem. it has young leaves and stems that can be stir-fried like spinach; the larger leaves are ideal as wraps.

With roots and leaves full of antioxidants, the yacon is a most nutritious addition, especially to the diet of diabetics and weight-watchers. Moreover, the roots harvested in summer and stored in the cellar, will be food enough for you through winter, as they get sweeter the longer they are kept.

Winged bean: Another easy to plant vegetable is a legume, the winged bean; with its high protein supply, it is a good substitute for soybean. What makes it so worthwhile to grow is that every part of this plant is edible and delicious to a 't': the leaves, flowers, pods and roots. However, rarely do you get to eat the whole plant unless you grow it yourself; as very often, only the young pods are bundled off for the open market or supermarket.

The winged bean, rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals, offers a solution to countries with problems of malnutrition. More specifically, the young pods are an excellent way of replenishing your folate supply; the young leaves, for vitamins A and C and fiber, while the tubers, for proteins and vitamin B.

You can never go wrong with a dish of winged beans lightly fried with tomatoes, garlic and salt. Alternatively, finely sliced raw bean pods may be added to perk up a herb rice. Low in calories and cholesterol, these beans are so airy-fairy light to the point of being unsubstantial, that you will never feel bogged down at any one time with this winged pea, as it is also called.