Hero mum who lost leg to save five-month-old baby is traumatised as she wakes in hospital

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A hero mum who lost her leg after throwing her baby to safety when they were involved in a horror crash was traumatised when she woke up, her family said.

Ruby Flanagan, 24, was carrying her five-month-old son Leon over a zebra crossing when she was crushed between a silver Mercedes and a blue Volkswagen.

The woman threw her baby out of danger when she understood what was happening, her sister-in-law Chelsea Clarke said.

After being hit, Ruby was airlifted to Aintree Hospital and had her right leg amputated, the Mirror reports.

Chelsea said Ruby who works as a nurse at Arrowe Park Hospital in Wirral, Merseyside was traumatised when she woke up and found out she had lost a leg.

Ruby's family said she has had five operations since the accident, in which she suffered a shattered pelvis, broken leg and a cracked spine.

A metal bar has now been placed in her lower spine and will remain there for six months.

Chelsea said: "Words can't describe the damage that has been caused through this, it is heartbreaking.

"Ruby's had five operations up to now. She cracked her spine, fractured her pelvis and broke her leg in a few different places."

Chelsea and her sibling Carly, 27, set up a GoFundMe page after the incident to help Ruby's family with the costs of the specialist medical care she will need after leaving the hospital.

Ruby's sister-in-law said her house will also need adjustments when she returns home.

Chelsea described Ruby as "the kindest person you would ever meet" and said she would "do anything for anyone".

She explained: "Ruby adores her partner and baby and is the kindest person you would ever meet, she would do anything for anyone.

"We're heartbroken after the crash and just want to put her at ease."

Chelsea said Ruby worked "really hard" to become a nurse and is "a brave inspiration" for the whole family.

She added: "The way she threw baby Leon out the way of danger was amazing and heroic.

"It just shows the type of person she is, always putting other people before herself."

Ruby's colleagues said she has a "heart of gold" and added she worked hard on a COVID ward while she was pregnant.

A colleague, who asked not to be named, said: "Ruby has a heart of gold, she gets on with everybody.

"She's an incredible nurse who often went above and beyond for her patients."

To donate to the fundraiser, click here.