Joe Biden's approval rating crashes to just 41% with 62% disapproving of the way he handled the Afghanistan withdrawal

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The turmoil in Afghanistan appears to knocked down President Joe Biden's approval rating, with just 41 per cent of Americans approving of his job as president in a new survey.  

Biden, whose approval has hovered around the 50 per cent mark in other recent surveys, is 'underwater' with a disapproval rating of 55 per cent in the new USA Today / Suffolk University poll.

'His approval on immigration and the economy are also upside down. The only issue keeping him remotely in the game is his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, where he is barely at 50%.' 

The survey was taken during days of searing images from the packed airport in Kabul.

It follows an apparent climb-down of his approval amid the rise of the Delta variant of COVID-19.

Biden's approval rating of the pandemic stood at 50 per cent, but just 26 per cent approved of his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan after the nation's two-decade war. 

This comes despite public backing of his decision to pull out U.S. troops, by a margin of 53 to 38. 

A strong majority of 62 per cent disapproved of the way the administration handled withdrawal, Daily Mail reports.

Kabul fell in a matter of days amid Taliban gains after Biden announced he would pull all U.S. troops out of the country before Sept. 11th.  

An NBC News poll released Sunday put Biden's approval rating at 49 per cent – the lowest of his presidency and the first time he had gone below 50 per cent as president. 

That poll was taken between August 14 and August 17, when the sudden fall of Kabul was still being absorbed, but amid rising infections and hospitalizations due to the coronavirus.