Slightly 97 people injured - Egypt train crash

Slightly 97 people injured - Egypt train crash

Slightly 97 people injured - Egypt train crash

Slightly ninety seven (97) people had been injured while a train went off the tracks close to the city of Toukh, north of Cairo on Sunday, in keeping with Egypt's Ministry of Health.

More than 50 ambulances have been dispatched by the Ministry of Health to rescue the injured from the train crash.

The Egyptian Railways Authority stated it become nevertheless investigating the cause of the train accident that turned into heading from Cairo to Mansoura on Sunday.

"During the passage of train No. 949/3209 heading from Cairo to Mansoura, at 13:54, four motors derailed close to Sandanhour station (close to Toukh)," the Egyptian Railway authority stated in a statement.

Most of the injuries have been minor and slight with just a few crucial cases, health ministry spokesperson Khaled Megahed informed a local TV station.

Video published on social media confirmed victims and injured scattered at the railway line, subsequent to the overturned trains motors and the sounds of distress. Train motion stopped in the East Delta.

This is the 3rd major train accident to arise in Egypt in much less than a month. At least 32 humans have been killed and one hundred sixty five injured previous month after trains collided within the Tahta district of the Upper Egypt governorate of Sohag.